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Daily Bread

We promised to share some of the God stories as we walk this journey and today we intend to do just that with a God story from near the very beginning. On Sunday, February 5th we shared with our church family that I had been undergoing some testing including a biopsy...

Sometimes You Need Space

Sometimes you want to be around people and sometimes you do not. And when you don’t, you need your space. That’s true of me in the best circumstances. Circumstances that are tough at least triple these feelings for me. Add in the need to be separated from...

The Day After Treatment 3

Yesterday’s bloodwork was not as stellar as the bloodwork from my previous treatments but it wasn’t in a place that made the doctor’s uncomfortable so we went ahead with the treatment as scheduled. Sitting for treatment three was a bit more emotional...

Third Treatment Thoughts

We’re once again at the day before treatment day. I’m beginning to think that each time we reach this day I am going to feel different. The day before the first treatment brought feelings of anticipation and fear of the unknown. The day before the second...

Good Days are Precious

Today I had an easy normal doctor’s appointment – you know the kind that every normal human goes to or at least is supposed to go to – in the morning. My in-laws had graciously offered to keep the boys at their house as the appointment was just...