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News & Updates

Curious about what has been happening, what God is showing us and how Kandis is feeling? Then you’re in the right spot.

The posts may come in fits and giggles but we will do our best to keep everyone up to date. 

We also plan to go back and add posts that let us share the stories from the beginning of this journey. 

Thanks for being here. 


Our Blog

 Andy and Kandis will be adding posts separately as well as together to let you peek into our journey. Thank you for joining us as we travel this road. 

Hair Troubles

This time last year I was struggling with losing my hair due to chemo treatments. The hair I missed the most was the hair in my nose. It is amazing how much that hair assists you in your day to day life and on top of that losing that hair meant the loose nose hairs...

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Another Set of Follow Ups

I probably should have taken the time to write this last Friday or over the weekend but I didn't. I apologize to those of you who knew that I had two follow up appointments and have been waiting for something of an update from them. We've been living a very full life...

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The More You Know

During this journey we've learned that the doctors really don't tell you a whole lot. They give you the basics and the things they are required to tell you by law but in general you're on your own or you're in the dark. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to learn...

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Walking Back In

It's been a while since my last update. Now that I'm not spending as many days at doctor's offices or in the car running to appointments, I am back to doing all the things and that means less sitting and writing. I still have a lot to say about this journey and things...

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Another Big Day!

In my last post I mentioned that I was hoping to get my port out soon. It has served me well during chemo and for blood work leading up to my surgery but since the VERY beginning of July it hadn't been used. And while it doesn't hurt to have in, it is annoying when it...

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AN End but Not THE End

Today marks AN end in this journey but it is far from THE end of the journey. As my oncologist reminded us yesterday, this is a marathon not a sprint or even a distance run. While I may have completed all of my in office/hospital treatments for this battle, I have...

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Update – Radiation, School Starting & More

It's been a while since I've posted an update and decided that it is probably time to share even though I feel like there isn't a whole lot to say. Since my last update, I've started radiation. I drive up to the Thomas Center at Bethesda North Hospital every weekday...

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Time for the Next Step

It's been a while since I've posted an update - sorry about that. For about two weeks I let myself kind of forget about this journey as much as you can with some limited range of motion and giant scars. But the beginning of this week brought us straight back to...

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Continuing Recovery

12 days post surgery . . . . So much has happened yet I've done so little . . . Since my last update, I've seen the surgeon for a follow up, Mom and Dad have gone home, I've started PT at home, the boys have gone to the dentist and VBS started at church. What do I do...

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