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News & Updates

Curious about what has been happening, what God is showing us and how Kandis is feeling? Then you’re in the right spot.

The posts may come in fits and giggles but we will do our best to keep everyone up to date. 

We also plan to go back and add posts that let us share the stories from the beginning of this journey. 

Thanks for being here. 


Our Blog

 Andy and Kandis will be adding posts separately as well as together to let you peek into our journey. Thank you for joining us as we travel this road. 

Hair or No Hair

Every morning my brain replays the old Almond Joy & Mounds commercial that said something along the lines of "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't!" Then, it replaces the the word nut with hair or hat. For a long time, I wouldn't even consider not...

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Cycle 2 Treatment 2 Update 2

We've had several texts and phone calls checking in to see if the super low dose steroids are working to eliminate the joint pain I experienced after my first Taxol treatment for this second treatment, so I figured it would be best to toss up a quick post to keep...

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Cycle 2 Treatment 2 Update

Today was my second treatment with Taxol (the new drug). They always do blood work before my treatments so they can make sure it is safe for me to receive the chemo. Today we were pleasantly surprised to hear that my counts were not only good but they were better than...

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New Pain and New Limits

Starting the new cycle of chemotherapy drugs means starting over with new possible side effects and new possible limits. On treatment day and the next day [Friday], I felt amazing. I could participate in meals and family activities fully, which was incredible! The...

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Kandis went in almost as strong as ever. Good blood counts. Feeling good. We were cleared for treatment. The Dr. feels Kandis is so strong they changed to a different standard of care. 8 weeks every other week instead of the 12 weeks every week that we were initially...

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Cycle 2 Treatment 1 Thoughts

Tomorrow is the first of my Taxol treatments. It is still chemo. It is just a new chemo drug. The thought of somewhat starting over is overwhelming. I had just gotten to a place of feeling like I kind of knew what to expect during and after each treatment to now reach...

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Pockets of Normal

There is a thin line between being grateful for the support and help people are willing to give you during something like this and feeling like you've been rendered completely useless. I know that we need help with dinner several nights each treatment week. I know...

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Fourth Treatment Update

We've reached the end of my first cycle of chemo! This cycle is the short one but we're also told that it is often the harder one. I started Thursday's treatment with counts that continue to be lower than the time before but the doctor calls them "perfect" so she...

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Fourth Treatment Thoughts

Tomorrow is the last of my AC chemo treatments. I am thrilled and terrified. I am thrilled to be done with this part of my treatment journey and I am terrified about what comes next. It is unknown. It is known to have yucky side effects. I'm trying to focus on the...

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