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Too Much in One Week – Hindsight is 20/20

In what I thought was a stroke of genius back in January I scheduled all of my 6 month follow up appointments for the same week as VBS at our church. At the time, it seemed brilliant – I was practically guaranteeing that I would be in town and I also knew that I...

In the Green

Appointments and blood work are still part of many if not all months of our reality. For being someone who went to any doctor’s office maybe twice a year total to someone who goes nearly every month if not more often, it still feels weird. Anyway, I’ve...

Graduation – Another “End”

It’s a bit early for graduation season and yet yesterday I graduated. You see, yesterday I went to my six month post-radiation follow-up appointment and after a quick exam and lots of questions. my radiologist decided that she no longer needs to see me for...

Another Set of Follow Ups

I probably should have taken the time to write this last Friday or over the weekend but I didn’t. I apologize to those of you who knew that I had two follow up appointments and have been waiting for something of an update from them. We’ve been living a...

Walking Back In

It’s been a while since my last update. Now that I’m not spending as many days at doctor’s offices or in the car running to appointments, I am back to doing all the things and that means less sitting and writing. I still have a lot to say about this...

Another Big Day!

In my last post I mentioned that I was hoping to get my port out soon. It has served me well during chemo and for blood work leading up to my surgery but since the VERY beginning of July it hadn’t been used. And while it doesn’t hurt to have in, it is...