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Cycle 2 Treatment 3 Update

Today I had an amazing nurse! When we met, she already knew exactly what happened last time, had a plan for keeping it from happening again based on what she has read and seen, explained everything she wanted to try including why it would make a difference and then...

Cycle 2 Treatment 3 Thoughts

Tomorrow is my second to last chemo treatment! We’re already 75% finished with chemo and after tomorrow we will be more than 87% finished. You’d think I’d be a pro at this process by now but each treatment feels like starting over. Every treatment is...

Cycle 2 Treatment 2 Update 2

We’ve had several texts and phone calls checking in to see if the super low dose steroids are working to eliminate the joint pain I experienced after my first Taxol treatment for this second treatment, so I figured it would be best to toss up a quick post to...

Cycle 2 Treatment 2 Update

Today was my second treatment with Taxol (the new drug). They always do blood work before my treatments so they can make sure it is safe for me to receive the chemo. Today we were pleasantly surprised to hear that my counts were not only good but they were better than...

Cycle 2 Treatment 1 Thoughts

Tomorrow is the first of my Taxol treatments. It is still chemo. It is just a new chemo drug. The thought of somewhat starting over is overwhelming. I had just gotten to a place of feeling like I kind of knew what to expect during and after each treatment to now reach...

Fourth Treatment Update

We’ve reached the end of my first cycle of chemo! This cycle is the short one but we’re also told that it is often the harder one. I started Thursday’s treatment with counts that continue to be lower than the time before but the doctor calls them...