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The last two weeks have been filled with I DID IT! moments. Things that a year ago I couldn’t even imagine. And though they may seem like minor things to most people, they were huge to me and so I’m going to share them with you all.

  1. I went tubing!
    You all this may seem silly but I haven’t really tested out the strength of my shoulder since surgery. I’ve done things like push ups, playing toss with the boys and every day activities – reaching for plates and carrying laundry, but I really hadn’t put my arm to the test. I wasn’t planning on getting on the tube when my dad and some of the boys went out in the boat rather it was my plan to watch the boys have fun. After the first two kids went, the third one got nervous and on a whim I asked him if he would go if I could do it. He said maybe and so I did. The most wonderful thing was I didn’t even hesitate to try. I have been super careful about not pushing it for fear of doing something and causing a problem but it was time to let go of the fear and just do.
  2. I answered “How are you feeling?” with a simple good.
    For the entirety of the last 19 months, I have felt the need to qualify my answer to that with the doctors are happy or as good as can be expected. But when one of the parents on Wesley’s soccer team asked last night – he’s playing with a bunch of the same kids as last fall – I just answered with good. She smiled and didn’t ask a million follow up questions. It was wonderful.
  3. I had my hair cut.
    I know that I wrote a whole blog post about how it was time and how I was going to do it. But the bigger step was actually doing it. My stylist was incredible and very patient while we talked about what I thought I was and was not ready to do. She also took it slow at the beginning to let me process a bit. When she was finished I like the result but was a bit overwhelmed at having actually made the choice to do it. Now though, two weeks later, I absolutely love it. I feel put together and like my hair choice is exactly that – my choice. It is no longer a product of having to regrown a head full of hair. I made a style choice and I can own it.

There you have it. My HUGE very every day moment I DDID IT! list from the last two weeks. I hope you are smiling at the way that little things can seem so big and how we can celebrate all the moments.