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Who We Are . . . 

We’re the Babel family. Andy and I [Kandis] have been married for fourteen years. We have four boys. We love hiking, spending time in nature and learning new things together. 

Early in 2023, I noticed a lump and thus began a crazy journey of tests, diagnosis and treatment. 

We started this website to help keep everyone in the loop about how I am doing, to share God stories and to encourage others who may also be travelling this road. 



Follow along as we travel this cancer journey.

New Pain and New Limits

Starting the new cycle of chemotherapy drugs means starting over with new possible side effects and new possible limits. On treatment day and the next day [Friday], I felt amazing. I could participate in meals and family activities fully, which was incredible! The...

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Kandis went in almost as strong as ever. Good blood counts. Feeling good. We were cleared for treatment. The Dr. feels Kandis is so strong they changed to a different standard of care. 8 weeks every other week instead of the 12 weeks every week that we were initially...

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Cycle 2 Treatment 1 Thoughts

Tomorrow is the first of my Taxol treatments. It is still chemo. It is just a new chemo drug. The thought of somewhat starting over is overwhelming. I had just gotten to a place of feeling like I kind of knew what to expect during and after each treatment to now reach...

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