Who We Are . . .
We’re the Babel family. Andy and I [Kandis] have been married for fourteen years. We have four boys. We love hiking, spending time in nature and learning new things together.
Early in 2023, I noticed a lump and thus began a crazy journey of tests, diagnosis and treatment.
We started this website to help keep everyone in the loop about how I am doing, to share God stories and to encourage others who may also be travelling this road.
Follow along as we travel this cancer journey.
Cycle 2 Treatment 1 Thoughts
Tomorrow is the first of my Taxol treatments. It is still chemo. It is just a new chemo drug. The thought of somewhat starting over is overwhelming. I had just gotten to a place of feeling like I kind of knew what to expect during and after each treatment to now reach...
Pockets of Normal
There is a thin line between being grateful for the support and help people are willing to give you during something like this and feeling like you've been rendered completely useless. I know that we need help with dinner several nights each treatment week. I know...
Fourth Treatment Update
We've reached the end of my first cycle of chemo! This cycle is the short one but we're also told that it is often the harder one. I started Thursday's treatment with counts that continue to be lower than the time before but the doctor calls them "perfect" so she...