Who We Are . . .
We’re the Babel family. Andy and I [Kandis] have been married for fourteen years. We have four boys. We love hiking, spending time in nature and learning new things together.
Early in 2023, I noticed a lump and thus began a crazy journey of tests, diagnosis and treatment.
We started this website to help keep everyone in the loop about how I am doing, to share God stories and to encourage others who may also be travelling this road.
Follow along as we travel this cancer journey.
What a Road Trip
I could have driven to California and part way home. Yes, you read that correctly. The mileage Andy or I drove to and from appointments, scans and treatments in 2023 amounted to more than a road trip to California. Maybe I should back up. About two weeks ago Andy and...
Hair Troubles
This time last year I was struggling with losing my hair due to chemo treatments. The hair I missed the most was the hair in my nose. It is amazing how much that hair assists you in your day to day life and on top of that losing that hair meant the loose nose hairs...
Another Set of Follow Ups
I probably should have taken the time to write this last Friday or over the weekend but I didn't. I apologize to those of you who knew that I had two follow up appointments and have been waiting for something of an update from them. We've been living a very full life...