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Who We Are . . . 

We’re the Babel family. Andy and I [Kandis] have been married for fourteen years. We have four boys. We love hiking, spending time in nature and learning new things together. 

Early in 2023, I noticed a lump and thus began a crazy journey of tests, diagnosis and treatment. 

We started this website to help keep everyone in the loop about how I am doing, to share God stories and to encourage others who may also be travelling this road. 



Follow along as we travel this cancer journey.

There’s No Place Like Home

I forgot to pack red sparkly shoes when I went to the hospital for surgery. Thankfully having my black shoes with some silver threads woven in worked out just as well and after repeating "there's no place like home" at least three times, I was able to come home before...

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Yes, It’s Really Me . . . a Post Surgery Update

Yes, it really is me - Kandis. I'm typing my own post surgery update from my hospital room because I can! Our day started with a very early wake up alarm since we had to be at the hospital at 5:30 this morning and the hospital isn't exactly around the corner from our...

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How Much Summer Can You Cram Into 5 Weeks?

How Much Summer Can You Cram Into 5 Weeks?

My last chemo treatment was June 1st and within a week after that last treatment we were able to schedule surgery for July 6th. Once we had a solid date, Andy and I decided to see how much summer we could cram into the five weeks between the two dates. And looking...

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