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Time for the Next Step

It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update – sorry about that. For about two weeks I let myself kind of forget about this journey as much as you can with some limited range of motion and giant scars. But the beginning of this week brought us...

Continuing Recovery

12 days post surgery . . . . So much has happened yet I’ve done so little . . . Since my last update, I’ve seen the surgeon for a follow up, Mom and Dad have gone home, I’ve started PT at home, the boys have gone to the dentist and VBS started at...

Cycle 2 Treatment 3 Thoughts

Tomorrow is my second to last chemo treatment! We’re already 75% finished with chemo and after tomorrow we will be more than 87% finished. You’d think I’d be a pro at this process by now but each treatment feels like starting over. Every treatment is...

Cycle 2 Treatment 2 Update

Today was my second treatment with Taxol (the new drug). They always do blood work before my treatments so they can make sure it is safe for me to receive the chemo. Today we were pleasantly surprised to hear that my counts were not only good but they were better than...