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There I Am

One of the most frustrating parts of going through chemotherapy – and probably the subsequent treatments I went through as well – is feeling like your brain just can’t do things that it used to do. I have always been a thinker, a writer and a person...

I Did It!

The last two weeks have been filled with I DID IT! moments. Things that a year ago I couldn’t even imagine. And though they may seem like minor things to most people, they were huge to me and so I’m going to share them with you all. I went tubing! You all...

It’s Time

It’s time! I’m ready, I think. I’ve been holding off on scheduling a hair cut. Cutting my hair short before chemo didn’t really bother me. Losing my hair wasn’t particularly stressful. Having it grow back in has been a learning curve...

Too Much in One Week – Hindsight is 20/20

In what I thought was a stroke of genius back in January I scheduled all of my 6 month follow up appointments for the same week as VBS at our church. At the time, it seemed brilliant – I was practically guaranteeing that I would be in town and I also knew that I...

A Touch of Normal

One of the things I get asked a lot is, “Are things back to normal?” The quick most accurate answer is the one no one wants to hear. No, things are not back to normal. But rarely do I feel at liberty to say that there are still things that are hard, still...